How To Evaluate And Choose Yoga Teacher Training Program

After narrowing down the destination, if yoga teacher training goa is your choice, you still have to think a lot in funneling out the right school.

If you have decided to take a yoga teacher training, you are about to embark upon a life-transforming journey. But the moment you put those words into google, you are left with a bunch-load of overwhelming information that has you parked at the crossroads. With yoga spreading its wings around the globe, its popularity as a way of life and a method of healing has grown a lot. Given this kind of reputation, several yoga schools and yoga teacher training programs keeping popping up around the streets and that can make it very difficult to choose a good program. It is also not uncommon for people having joined various yoga teacher training programs and not regretting it. All of these disappointed people have always said, they almost knew this wasn’t the right deal but somehow ended up getting stuck. So, how do you avoid the disaster – here’s what you need to consider:

If only not everything was about money, but sadly it is. Of course, your yoga teacher is an investment. Even if you are planning to improve your knowledge and not teach a day in your life, it still has to be your money’s worth. Having considered that, you should also take care not to get carried away by a program that seems lesser than the current bracket that is trending in the market. Also, when you are considering a certain yoga teacher training program, you should also see what is included in the cost to make sure there aren’t any hidden costs like books, yoga passes, special workshops, certification testing, etc.

If you are one for giving back to your community, you may consider a local studio. However, if you think your daily responsibilities may hold you down, it is best to take a break and select one of those destination yoga training programs. However, the latter only holds good, if can make full use of the training program and don’t get turned into a tourist and miss your classes. Otherwise, destination yoga teacher training programs can be a great way to get fully immersed into the art and science of yoga.

There is both an upside as well as a downside to choosing a course with a smaller class strength and even one with a large turnout. It’s just more about your personal preference. When the number of trainees in a class is lesser, it allows for a more intimate connection and attention from your trainer which may not be possible with a huge turnover. However, when there is a larger number of trainees you get to meet more people which allow for a greater exchange of ideas and experiences. Also, 200 hours is a long time to spend with someone, so think about it.

Several yoga schools nowadays promise a quick certification. If the program offers to complete 200-hour training in say two weeks or a month by having you work ten hours a day, remember it doesn’t fit the bill. It is just not possible to complete a 200-hour yoga teacher training in such a short time. Also, it doesn’t allow you time to absorb and digest. Make sure your school as well as your teacher is registered with Yoga Alliance and meets the requirements outlined by them.

Anyone who has completed their yoga teacher training and is certified can start his own yoga teacher training program. Now, there isn’t much to gain from such a teacher as he himself won’t have much life experience. When you begin teaching yourself, you must be equipped to handle students at all experience levels and different kinds of ailments. You learn that from someone who has at least 7-10 years of experience teaching yoga and has been through multiple levels of training. Also, you must be comfortable with the teaching style of your trainer. If he can’t engage you, he won’t be able to teach you how to make your class engaging. Also, does he teach the style you are interested in? Consider taking a few sessions with the lead trainer, ask the tough question and don’t be afraid to do a little window shopping.

Yoga teacher training is a pretty intense affair and requires a lot from your end. But before you take the plunge, consider these pointers to make the right decision.

Address : Devarya Wellness Centre
Vithaldaswada,Morjim, 403512,Goa, India
